
Remembering the 7 July Bombings

17 years ago today, London was shaken by a series of terrorist bombings on public transport that left 56 people dead and hundreds injured. As well as remembering all those affected by the tragedy, it is timely to reflect on the lasting legacy of that day. Although living and working in London at the time, […]

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BCAW Day 5 – What Have we Learnt?

So it’s the final day of Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) 2021: what have we learnt this year?  Undoubtedly, BCAW 2021 has been dominated by high-profile ransomware events, with a combination of: Continued fallout from the DarkSide attack on Colonial Pipeline earlier in the month; Ongoing disruption to the Irish Health Service following an attack

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The New (Ab)normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond Covid-19

Having read Yossi Sheffi’s wonderful “The Resilient Enterprise” some years ago, I had high hopes for this book.  Sadly it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The book is organised in six sections and, for me, the most useful content is contained in the second (“Living with Uncertainty”) and fourth (“Supply Chains for the

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BCI Supply Chain Resilience Report Dominated by Covid-19 Disruption

Unsurprisingly, the Business Continuity Institute’s latest annual supply chain resilience report is dominated by issues arising from Covid-19.  After years where supply chain disruption was dominated by IT and information security incidents; neither of these even feature in the top 5 causes of disruption in 2020, which were: Human illness Loss of talent/skills (#4 in

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How Effective is Home Working?

Sadly, there has been no shortage of stories of businesses struggling with Covid-19 in the last year.  However, I was intrigued by the story this week about Frontier Development experiencing delays in the release of their much-anticipated Elite Dangerous Odyssey.  One would have imagined that developing video games would be one of the industries that

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