Disruption Continues for TSB Customers

TSB customers are experiencing a fourth day of disruption, following the migration of TSB customer data from Lloyds’ IT systems over the weekend.  The main impact on customers has been the inability to use internet and mobile banking but, more worryingly, there have been numerous reports of spurious transactions and, for a period on Sunday, at least 400 customers had visibility of other people’s data.

The scenario is reminiscent of the trouble at Tesco Bank in June 2011 when they migrated customer data from legacy RBS systems; on that occasion the disruption also lasted for four days.  As in 2011, much of the criticism from customers has focused on the quality of communication; clearly this has not been helped in the case of TSB by boasts from Sabadell, TSB’s owner since 2015, about the success of its IT integration!

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