What is Log-keeper Training?

Log-keeper training is a type of training that focuses on the development of skills related to logging and logging-related activities. It is designed to help individuals become proficient in the collection, management and analysis of log data. For the perspective of this blog, we are focussed on loggist training as part of a crisis management capability to ensure that logs are properly managed throughout the response to an incident.

Writing a log on completion of loggist training

Do we need a Loggist?

ISO 22361 suggests that a log keeper is ‘an essential part of the crisis team who maintains a log of all decisions and actions for later reference…’

The Benefits of Log-keeper Training

Log keeping is a challenging role, and it is essential that employees are given the tools to be able to undertake their responsibilities. Additionally, loggist training can provide numerous benefits for organisations. By providing employees with the necessary skills to effectively manage and analyse log data, organizations can ensure that they are maintaining a contemporaneous record of their incident management response. More importantly, the log will help to maintain a record of decisions made and actions taken, enabling a crisis management team to know what tasks are still outstanding.

Use of Logging Software Used in Loggist Training

There are many different types of logging software available today, each with its own unique features and capabilities. However, given crisis management procedures are hopefully used rarely, we would recommend less high-tech solutions, such as the use of Word or spreadsheets or even pen & paper! ISO 22361 recommends that ‘templates for decision logging’ should be provided.

How to Get Started With Log-keeper Training

If you are interested in getting started with loggist training, there are several options available to you. We provide an popular online course, which is a very cost-effective solution. Alternatively, for training a large number of loggists, we can also deliver face-to-face training at your location. No matter which route you chose, it is important to ensure that you have a cadre of trained loggists that you can rely on as part of your incident management framework.

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